King Matt the First
King Mat the First was a performance for young audiences, based on the adaptation of Alki Zei, of the homonymous novel by Janus Korjack, directed and re-adapted by Artemis Grympla. It was presented in Alfa Idea Theatre in Athens, in 2017.
Waterline, An ode to decay
Waterline : An ode to decay was presented during the Greek Festival 2018, inside the auction hall of the Athens - Piraeus fish market. It was a site specific performance which brought together professional actors and the members of the elderly choir of Piraeus, in order to create a medley of texts and songs which celebrate life and death, coming from different religious and cultural traditions. The performance was presented by Deacadere Theatre Company and directed by Artemis Grympla and Alkistis Polychroni.
Under the Stars
the Stars, by Telemachos Tsardakas was first presented in Act Theatre Patras in 2018 and then staged in Alfa Theatre, Athens Greece for four years. It toured most of Greece, and was performed in Tabernacle Theatre, London and Chicago Boom, Amsterdam.
When Kallas met Monroe
When Kallas met Monroe, written by Anastasia Tselepi and Dane Stamatopoulou was presented in Alfa Theatre in 2019, for the following year, it toured theatres around Greece.
An infinite man
The adaptation of "An infinite man" by Spyros L. Vrettos was presented in 2019 in Act Theatre Patras.
Jar Sweetheard
Jar Sweetheart, written by Telemachos Tsardakas, was created during the Covid -19 pandemic, and presented online with the support of the Greek Ministry of Culture.
Heracledae by Euripidis, translated by C. Varnalis, was presented in Olvio Theatre in 2022. Directed by Artemis Grympla and Costas Papakonstantinou.
Where did all the toys go?
An opera for children that was presented in the Benaki Toy Museum of Athens, for the National Opera of Greece, during the Lyrikos Notos Festival, in 2022.